Sunday 13 November 2011

Today's doings, are not so much, to be honest, its been the traditional lazy Sunday, later though I'm going to my boyfriends birthday meal, which most of his family are attending, am I nervous? well yes would be the answer, there nothing like my family, if anything there civilised people. You know the noisy table at the restaurant well that is my family, you have to shout to be heard and get a word in edge ways. So I think tonight's meal will just be plain awkward and very quiet. I shall tell you tomorrow how it went, hopefully it goes well. I also have an exam tomorrow, as if Mondays aren't bad enough they decide to give me a maths exam, I'm not very good at maths, I've failed 3 times already, looks like it'll be a fourth as well. Also I am absolutely loving Christina Perri, if you've never heard any of her songs then you have not lived. I'm going to get ready for the meal now....... wish me luck. xoxoxo


  1. welcome to the wonderful world of Blogging Ashlea, I do hope you enjoy yoursrelf and put up some photos on your posts. I will pop over to see how you are getting on. Have a lovely meal tonight.

  2. awwww thankyou :) i did have a nice meal thanks :)

    ashlea xoxoxo
