Monday 19 December 2011

A week before Christmas, and  I feel ill : ( I best not be that ill I cant open my presents hahahaha i love Christmas, and how all the family come together. I've finished college FINALLY! and now i can finally relax or not........... i have a 3000 word essay to do : ) fab isn't it? NOT! xoxoxo

Wednesday 7 December 2011

it makes me laugh at how some people can be so hypocritical, shallow and in need of attention. for example this girl on my social network site uploaded a photo of herself practically naked. Im sorry but you'd think some people would have some dignity......... evidently not in her case.
I really need to start blogging a lot more but then again I need to gather material for it hahaha. also I've got my Christmas decorations up yays Christmas. It feels like Christmas now :) xoxoxox

Sunday 4 December 2011

stressed isn't even the word to describe how I feel, I wish the world didn't revolve around money....... it sucks bad ...... like really bad, I've got family to buy for and a boyfriend too the pound shop it is hahahaha, I also found out my bestest friend is pregnant i am so happy for her and her other half, it's great im actually allowed to look at baby stuff now instead of being told off and dragged away by the boyfriend, its fab, I cant for her to find out how far along she is and what flavour it is  i shall keep you get updated. 